A dozen steps to organise a Warsaw Literary Meeting (onsite or online)

1. Discuss your idea for the theme and the keynote speaker with the QAQV group coordinator at the group’s email address.

2. Together decide on the dates of the meeting, its form (onsite or online), deadlines for abstracts, complete papers, and papers for publication (the meetings usually take place in November or May in-between the QAQV conferences).

3. Prepare the Call for Papers – a one-paragraph description of the theme and a list of possible topics for papers – and discuss it with the group coordinator.

4. Discuss the keynote speaker ideas with the group coordinator. If the meeting is organised onsite in Warsaw, inform Dorota Traczewska at the group’s email address about the dates of arrival and departure, so that accommodation can be booked.

5. Email us all the information about the meeting (theme, date, your name and affiliation, and the CfP) so that we may share it on the website and social media.

6. When the Call for Papers appears on our website, distribute the link to prospective participants of the meeting.

7. Between that moment and the meeting, you are responsible for corresponding with the participants.

8. When you receive the abstract of the plenary lecture from the keynote speaker, forward it to us to be posted (suggested timing – close to the deadline for abstracts).

9. Upon receiving complete papers, prepare the programme of the meeting, including chairpersons, and email it to us.

10. When the programme is on the website, send the link to the participants and prospective attendees.

11. Share the texts with all participants via e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive.

12. Share the Zoom link (if applicable).

… and to make it a baker’s dozen: 13. Enjoy the meeting!