Jerome De Groot
Professor of Literature and Culture, English and American Studies, The University of Manchester
author of:
- Consuming History: Historians and Heritage in Contemporary Popular Culture (2004)
- The Historical Novel (2009)
- Remaking History: The Past in Contemporary Historical Fictions (2015)
research interests: Public History, the Historical Novel, Literature and culture of the English Revolution

Mina Gorji
Associate Professor in English and Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge
author of:
- John Clare and the Place of Poetry (2009)
- Art of Escape (2020) – winner of the International Award for Womens’ Writing in Italy (Premio di Scrittura femminile)
- Scale (2022) – described in the Irish Times as ‘a book of deep sonic attention’
- “Lyric Listening” (2024)
research interests: Romantic poetry, Poetry and poetics from 1780 to present day, Literary margins and the marginal, Cultural history of listening, Sound studies, Lyric studies

Valerie Purton
Reliving the Past: Mourning in Dickens, Tennyson and Queen Victoria
Emeritus Professor of Victorian Literature,Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Chair of Tennyson Society and Editor of The Tennyson Research Bulletin
author of:
- Poems by Two Brothers: the Poetry of Tennyson’s father and uncle (1993)
- The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Tennyson (2011)
- Dickens and the Sentimental Tradition (2012)
editor of:
- Darwin, Tennyson and Their Readers (2014)
- Ruskin and Education (2019)