“Check Dripper”, or Nordic Noir meets Neo-Victorianism

text by Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko The following text contains fragments from my latest article Transtemporality and Transmemory in Beforeigners: Or, “Jack the Ripper has timeigrated”, Again (Neo-Victorian Studies 14:1). Beforeigners (2019–) is an intriguing example of and commentary on the way in which transnational audiences and creators grapple with the myth of “Jack the Ripper”. The […]

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The Poems of Ossian vs Malvina, or the Heart’s Intuition

Text by Sylwia Grusza I would like to share some details regarding my latest publication included in the 55th volume of Bibliotekarz Podlaski – Romantyzm polski: początki. Spojrzenia komparatystyczne (Polish Romanticism: The Beginnings. Comparative Views). The issue focuses on the beginnings of Polish Romanticism and comparative aspects of literary works from this period. It’s worth highlighting […]

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